
Angie is a native Yooper, and longtime New Yorker who is now happy to call the Hudson Valley home.

Before moving to NYC, she studied Sociology & Psychology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, which seemed solid until she learned she could get paid to come up with weird ideas and tastefully chosen puns. That’s when she headed down to Atlanta’s Portfolio Center (now Miami Ad) for grad school and put together a book. She’s been rearranging the alphabet for the good of the brands ever since.

Over the last 15+ years, Angie found her sweet-spot as a builder. She’s helped agencies find their creative footing in big ideas and start-ups introduce themselves with a clear voice while keeping the shopper/customer/user/PEOPLE we want to reach at the center. She’s worked on everything — 360 campaigns, product and site builds, tear-jerking manifestos — you name it. Let her know what you need. She wants to work with you. She told me so.

  • Brands worked on: Samsung, Google, Oreo, Smirnoff, Guinness, Jägermeister, Heineken, Kraft, ALL Detergent, The NHL, Uniqlo, Maybelline, Garnier, Starwood Hotels, MetLife, Balance Water, Danone, Chase, AmEx, Coca-Cola, JetBlue, Visa & Chase and more.

  • Partners worked with: MRY, Carrot Creative (now Virtue/Vice), Big Spaceship, Edelman, 360i, Euro RSCG (now Havas), MRM, Atmosphere Proximity, Huge, IBMiX, Momentum WW, MRM, Razorfish, Geometry Global, Ellevest, Sumday, Till Financial, Kiip and more.

  • Compiled experience: To stay or to-go?

  • Misc.: This American Life ep 438 (Act 3!) , festive cheeseballs